HEAD OFFICE: 1 Gray Street, St Clair, Trinidad & Tobago       868-285-4853 [email protected]

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Who We Are

Gulf Insurance Limited has traded successfully as an Indigenous Caribbean Insurer in the Eastern Caribbean from the early days of its incorporation in 1974.

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SZV would like to thank the insurance company for the efficient processing of the claims procedure to be able to finalise all repairs necessary in time for the upcoming hurricane season.

Management SZV

The service I have gotten at Gulf Insurance Limited has been the best if you really want to know. All staff are pleasant, especially “Babsie”.   I consider myself lucky to deal with such wonderful and pleasant staff.

Theophilus Paul

Client of 20 years, Client of 20 years

We have worked with GULF Insurance Company for over a year now and are impressed with their services thus far. Our Company, United Caribbean Services Ltd., an AVIS Rent a Car Licensee, purchases, sells and rents vehicles, so speedy issuing of insurance certificates for new vehicles and assisting/advising with claims if any, are key in our business. We would highly recommend doing business with GULF for their humane and speedy interaction with clients such as ourselves.

Avis Rent a Car

United Caribbean Services Ltd., United Caribbean Services Ltd.

Our claim was dealt with quickly so we are happy.
10/10 for Adjuster’s level of service
10/10 for our overall experience.
Definitively recommending Gulf

Chic Optic NV

Very professional company. I have been recommending them to everyone.
10/10 recommendation for Gulf

Operations Manager

Service was fast and secure.
10/10 adjuster’s level of service
10/10 overall experience
10/10 recommendation for Gulf

Marcus Smoorenburg

Staff is very friendly. They went out of their way to ensure everything was done in a timely manner.
10/10 claim satisfaction
10/10 recommendation for Gulf

Education Officer

10/10 recommendation for Gulf
Staff was very friendly. I was very satisfied with Gulf.

Jacqueline Richardson

General Manager

Gulf was brilliant and to the point. Everything was well outlined.
10/10 overall experience
10/10 recommendation for Gulf

Marlon Matser


10/10 Adjuster’s level of service
10/10 recommendation for Gulf.
“After the Hurricane, they helped me immediately. I always recommend Gulf to others.” –

Diwesh Deepakraj Badloe


Claim was processed speedily. Everything went well.
10/10 claim satisfaction

Augosto Priest

Have been a customer of Gulf for 11 years now and have never had any complaints. Their service is very good.
10/10 overall experience
10/10 recommendation for Gulf

Joyce Allison

Gulf has pleasant people who strive to give you the service you deserve. Staff is very relatable.

Juliette Greene

I have always recommended Gulf to colleagues and others. Overall, I would not switch from Gulf and have already renewed my business.

Sherma Courtar

Once we contacted Gulf, everything went smoothly.
10/10 recommendation for Gulf .

Alexander Davis

Been with Gulf for 14 years. Excellent job after the Hurricane. Everything went smoothly.


Where We Are

Trinidad & Tobago | Anguilla | Curacao | Grenada | St. Kitts & Nevis | St. Maarten | St. Vincent | British Virgin Islands

a. 1 Gray Street, St Clair
t. 868-285-GULF
f. 868-628-0272
e. [email protected]

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Please provide your name and contact number and an agent will contact you. Agents are available from 8AM to 4PM from Mondays to Fridays and 9AM to 1PM on Saturdays